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"There is no favorable wind for the sailor who does not know where to go." Seneca



Who we are

Verdevita Sdn Bhd is a consulting company specializing in the design of strategies to penetrate and invest in the ASEAN market and in the provision of customized consulting services to support companies in creating strategic alliances, in order to use Malaysia as a Business Hub towards the whole South East Asian market. We have offices in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Guangzhou, Sydney.


Since 2010 we have been dealing with exports, digital exports, commercial settlements and production settlements, promoting "Made in Italy", simplifying expansion processes and reducing costs for our customers, thanks also to our professional and institutional network, we also collaborate with MIDA and Marii.

Chi siamo


Verdevita Sdn Bhd is a company incorporated under Malaysian law, which provides customized consulting services, to support companies in creating strategic alliances in Malaysia and the Asian region, we support and accompany Italian and foreign companies that want to start winning projects on international markets: Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Australia.

Our direct presence with offices and staff allows us to support our clients in expanding their business, we are able to select and evaluate potential partners and financial opportunities, as well as partners for joint ventures, appropriate distribution channels and other business relationships. "


We support our customers in every phase of growth in the markets with subsidized loans

  • Market analysis and consultancy in relation to the single product / service


  • Search and selection of commercial partners


  • Research and selection of industrial partners


  • Business opportunity identification


  • Identification of economic and financial incentives based on supply / demand


  • Consultancy for relocation and industrial set-up abroad

  • Business intelligence


  • Business Plan drafting for business internationalization


  • International Marketing


  • Check-up services for internationalization


  • Support services Internationalization vouchers


  • Subsidized finance services for Sace-Simest exports and internationalization

Legal and Tax Services

  • Advice on legal and tax obligations for the establishment or management of companies


  • Legal assistance on all legal matters relating to Foreign Trade


  • Joint Venture establishment and agreements between companies


  • Intellectual property (trademark registration, filing and protection)


Thank you for sending us your message!


Level 33, Ilham Tower, No. 8, Jalan Binjai,

Kuala Lumpur 50450,


Tel: +603.2169.7041

Fax: +603.2169.7447

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